Do you ever feel like you need to hide your Grief?

Embrace Your Grief and Cultivate Positive Emotions with Our Free Mourning Journal Workbook.

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    Sandy Linda

    Life Coach with Grief Expertise Writer, and Podcaster

    Who am I?

    Hi, I’m Sandy Linda. I am a Master Grief and Life Coach and I’m on a mission to teach women who have experienced devastating loss to move beyond grief and develop a purposeful life. I created this podcast for women who are tired of feeling isolated and angry in their grief and are looking for a way to heal and move forward with their lives.

    What you'll discover in the Mourning Journal Workbook?

    • Permission to grieve openly and authentically.
    • Guidance on processing complex emotions.
    • Practical exercises to cultivate positivity.
    • The tools to become a courageous leader of your own life.